Outreach Program & HealCom


Let’s step aside from the economy, money, profits and Gross World Product for a while and contemplate the unimaginable disaster facing the poor and the vulnerable in the wake of the Covid-19 disaster.

We have to step up and help and we can do it. It is clear that leadership, guidance and pooling of efforts are needed to help all. People want to be healthy and they want to help others but the knowledge is patchy and contradictory and there is no incentive to stick to a program. People who want to help others feel individually powerless. We can group them into a powerful force.

The Aim

The aim of the global health and community service club is to guide, motivate and persuade all to become healthy and to contribute to a better global society by feeding the poorest in each location the healthiest of food free. This community service club also aims to help stimulate service unto each other, no matter what strata of the society one comes from.


The Issues Faced

  1. While the poor will have many problems to cope with, the most devastating will be hunger and malnutrition leading to long term problems including stunted growth and death.

  2. It has also become clear that we must focus more on our health.

  3. The problem of the thousands of contradictory advice on what is healthy and the contaminated and degraded food available and our need to cut through the fog of thousands of often contradictory health articles and go direct to the good science.

  4. Our need to identify, trace and obtain clean, healthy food products uncontaminated by pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals.

  5. Our need to get the best prices for healthy food.

  6. Our need to boost our immune system.

  7. The lack of community and companionship for the elderly.


To encourage healthy habits and community service, inform and cheerlead the members the following will be carried out very much along the lines of how Rotary International works but with a much more directed focus:

  1. Local clubs will be established very much like Rotary clubs. These clubs will meet weekly, at the local club. The discussions will centre on the latest knowledge of staying healthy, living longer and helping the community local and global.

  2. A website will be established which will be a dynamic one with each club having their own linked website.

  3. Each club will establish free health food eating centres, very much along the lines of how the Sikh Gurdwara’s do it. This primarily would be to feed the destitute in the area free of charge. There will be collection boxes so that any person able to pay can also eat the healthiest of food.

  4. All management, administration and labour for the centre will be by volunteers, just like Rotary.

  5. Each club will have a club house with two sections, one section will be for members and their guests where the food and drinks will be supplied at a profit to the club and a free food eating centre. Members can come daily to volunteer their services, socialise, discuss, buy products and have F&B.

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The basics of the funding are:

  1. Just like in Rotary, each club will support itself and contribute some funds to the overall organisation.

  2. Where HealCom differs is that HealCom will combine being a buying club and a health club with service to all. The free food centres will have two sections, a free food serving section and a members section. Members and guests can dine and buy health products from the centre. The members and guest section will be priced to make a profit which will partly subsidise the free food.

  3. Most of the funding for the food feeding centres will come from the margins that the club makes from buying at wholesale prices validated health foods from all sources and selling at below retail prices.

  4. Major suppliers will be asked to donate part of their profits to help fund the centres.

  5. A lot of costs in normal marketing companies go into advertising and marketing. The suppliers will be persuaded to pass that to HealCom so that would be income for HealCom

  6. There will be donation boxes at the food centres for anyone who can afford to donate whatever they can.

  7. Over time other sources the Government and International charities could be sought for funds.